Advertiser – St Marys’ Church, August 2021
These past weeks have been so special.
We’ve had so many lovely requests for christenings! This is one “life event” that we can now celebrate, and it is a joy to welcome families in church for the baptism of their little ones. I was close to tears as I conducted my first baptism in over 18 months – it was such a moving occasion. Thank you to Noah and his lovely family.
And, of course, there are lots of weddings now taking place. So many couples had decided to defer their wedding day until they could invite more friends and family. We were happy to support them in waiting until they felt the time was right – and now it is! So, lots more joy and celebrations.
In fact, these last weeks have really brought home to me what it means to be an Anglican parish priest. As the Church of England, we have the honour of serving everyone in the parish. And it is such a privilege to be there for people at those important times in their life: at births, marriages, and at the death of loved ones. At those times, when people are at a crossroads, we hope that by God’s grace we can offer loving support and welcome: to celebrate new life at a christening, to make a life-long commitment in marriage, or to remember loved ones and comfort those who mourn.
So please do get in touch if we can help you and your family in any way.
And these past weeks have also been special because – at long last – we are sharing Sunday worship in our beautiful church building again. We’ve had a small choir singing hymns – and also loved going outside to sing our final song together. And over August we’ll be exploring how we do worship in the new circumstances. Do come along at 10am on Sunday morning and join in. I hope to see you soon!
With love and prayers, Poppy
The Revd Canon Poppy Hughes
Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury
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