There is a warm welcome for everybody to participate in our All Souls’ Remembrance this year, for all those we have loved and see no longer. So on Sunday 31st October, you are invited to come into St Marys’, Tetbury, between 2.00-4.00pm. We will be there to welcome you, and you can find a quiet space for reflection, and to light a candle in remembrance if you wish to.
Then, at 6pm that same day, there will be our traditional All Souls’ Service in St Marys’. Very sadly we are still unable to accommodate everybody, so the invitation to attend in person has focussed particularly on those who have lost loved ones since March 2020. However we will be remembering ALL those for whom we have held funerals in the Benefice over the past three years, and everybody is welcome to add name(s) to the list by contacting Diana in the Parish Office by email office@tetburychurch.co.uk or leaving a message on the office telephone: 01666 500 088.
The 6pm All Souls’ Service will then also be live streamed and all are welcome to share in the service online at https://app.faith.online/p/events/FQ_VwzX-7 or dial-in on 01666 744012.
With love and prayers for all our remembering this autumn, Poppy