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Are you in need of prayer?

Prayer focus for this week
To encourage each other in prayer, we will be suggesting a focus for prayer each week.  We will also be publicising a dedicated “prayer phone” so people can request prayers in confidence, by text or voice message.
For your prayers this week:

  • Tetbury Praying the Town:  for those living and working in Old Ilsom Farm Road
  • Our local nurseries and child minders – for the children to feel secure, and for the staff caring for them to remain well and feel well supported
  • The Parish of Beverston
  • Those who have died, and those who are mourning
  • Our clergy: we give thanks for the caring ministry of Poppy, our Rector, and Pauline, our Curate
  • National needs: for our leaders as they seek to find effective ways of restricting the spread of the virus

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4.7)

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