The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have made a special appeal for Christians and those of other faiths to pray daily at 6.00pm during the lockdown period. You can find further information on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s website: www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/.
Here is one of the prayers suggested for the first week of lockdown:
Loving God, at this time of crisis
when so many are suffering,
we pray for our nation and our world.
Give our leaders wisdom,
our Health Service strength,
our people hope.
Lead us through these parched and difficult days
to the fresh springs of joy and comfort
that we find in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer: Do text a message to the church prayer phone 07907 861620 or leave a voicemail. The holder of the phone will hold your request in prayer.
Prayer focus for this week
To encourage each other in prayer, we will be suggesting a focus for prayer each week. For your prayers this week:
- Tetbury Praying the Town: Park Close and Priory Way
- Sir William Romney school: for the students and their teachers
- The Parish of Shipton Moyne
- Our local churches – Christ Church Methodist/United Reformed, St Michael’s Roman Catholic church, The Five Valleys Community Church, and any others in our Benefice
- National needs: For shops and businesses, facing the many challenges of the current restrictions, especially in our own area
May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4.7)