Thank you so much for all each one of you did to make the day very special.
• The counting – good news for bees – not so good for butterflies and some of our mosses seem not to be there any more. The quadrant count challenge was helpful – well done – it told us what predominates at this time of year – speedwell, meadow grass, hawkweed, plantain , primrose remains and useful dandelions.
• The talk – wasn’t it just amazing to learn the wonders of the life cycle of a mason bee. Jo was so good.
• The cafe, the cake and flowers on tables made such a good spot to talk to people and to hear people’s stories.
• The welcome that Richard provided along with each one of you. I spoke to so many local and far away visitors who all had such interesting stories to tell about wildlife. And we had tenor singing in the church of such quality – so unexpected and so special. The people from Holland said their experience was the best bit of their tour !
• The bells and the tower – lots of good feedback from Experience Tetbury and all the visitors – beautiful views – spot a swift and a unique opportunity.
• The stalls – plants , hedgehogs , first class crafts and honey. Thank you for all the colossal work that goes into creating such quality. Chris the honey man was over the moon – he is trying to make a career out of a hobby and is so encouraged.
• The Service as a conclusion to our day – beautiful especially being outside [ nice and hot !] . The prayers from Iona were so motivating as was the singing – thank you Steve especially as you had been driving all night from Glasgow
• And we made money for our Ecochurch endeavours – £600 – which is amazing because there is lots to do.
So thank you again and I leave you with a quote from Phil Jefferson who emailed me earlier.
‘ What a powerful statement we have made to our church congregation and to the wider community about our commitment to respecting and protecting our natural environment at this time of climate change’
The results from the Count will be available shortly.
Every blessing and good wish