Thank you to everyone who supported the concert on Friday night given by St Martin’s Voices. It was sublimely beautiful – a wonderful programme of choral music reflecting on the themes of love, hope, joy and peace around the hymn
“Lord of all hopefulness”.
Then about 30 people gathered on Saturday morning for the singing workshop offered by Andrew Earis, Director of Music at St Martin-in-the-Field, with three members of St Martin’s Voices. We prepared music for a lovely act of music designed and led by Pauline, our Curate. It’s focus was on the celebration of All Saints and All Souls, exploring the themes of “Desolation, Consolation and Inspiration”.
You can download the order of service here. And watch the act of worship by clicking here. https://www.facebook.com/St.MarysTetbury/videos/286449660022009 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbZWQ2SfrcQ
We are so grateful to Andrew and St Martin’s Voices for all they have shared with us, both this weekend and with all the digital recordings of hymns and anthems recorded through lockdown.