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Reshaping our Church

Photograph showing the newly rebuilt tower from the 1890s

What are we here for?

How best can we live out our calling, both as worshippers of God and as service to our community?

View of the interior of St Mary's Church

St Marys’ Reshaping Project JULY 2024

We promised to keep you up to date about what’s happening, so now we’ve completed Phase 1, here we go with some FAQs:

What was Phase 1?  The first preliminary steps, starting with the consultation in early 2023 about what people felt the church was for and what they’d like us to be doing for worship and community. This was presented to the PCC early in 2024 with a list of 9 Options ranging from Do Nothing to Move Elsewhere! The PCC thought, prayed and debated and decided the best option was to commit to remaining in St Marys’, possibly with an extension. Two architects known to the Diocese and who have undertaken similar projects locally were invited to present ideas to the PCC in March. The PCC prayerfully considered these over the next couple of sessions and in their July meeting, agreed to commission Antony Feltham-King of St Ann’s Gate in Salisbury ( They felt he understood the heart, soul and mind of what we’re trying to do, had undertaken considerable extra research and presented some practical possibilities, while recognising the design needs to be an ongoing creative dialogue as we enter Phase 2.

“We’re honoured to work with St Marys’ Tetbury on this exciting project”

What is Phase 2? This phase is about getting ready, putting lots of the planning in place. So, for example, we can start fundraising for some more detailed plans, surveys (including archaeological) and specialist advice. We also need funds to appoint a professional Project Manager. This phase is about better understanding what’s possible and what isn’t. It’s the metaphorical clearing of the ground so we know what we’re doing when we come to literally clear the ground! We’ve set up a Working Group to monitor the details and communicate this as widely as possible. We also need to keep talking to the Diocese, planning officers of various sorts and a myriad of others.

How long does it last? About 12 months, we think. But it depends on fundraising, availability of the specialist professionals and a number of other things mainly beyond our control.

Does everything stop now Canon Poppy Hughes has left?? No. The Diocese has been very clear that we can and should keep moving with these preparations. Then, when the new Rector is appointed, they can be part of the decisions once the research and preparations have been completed. They’ll then take us into Phase 3, the alterations.

When will we see things happening? Good question! Before we can do much more, we need to secure development funding and that might take several months, so t the moment the answer is a bit like how long is a piece of string? But as and when things happen, we’ll send out another newsletter; update the page on our website , via a display in church and where practical,  in our monthly column in the Tetbury Advertiser.

How much will it cost? A really good question! And at this stage, we have no clear idea. It will include some ongoing maintenance work, while the rest depends on what we’re able to do and how we’re able to do it.  We want to be careful stewards of God’s gifts and our resources.

Do we have any further say in this? Of course. While decisions are the legal responsibility of the PCC and the Diocese, we’ll be asking for comments on how the ideas meet the clear priorities flagged up in last year’s consultation – not just for better loos, kitchen, heating and meeting spaces but for wider community use. We’ll be mounting displays from time to time in the church and we’ll let you know about them.

What can I do to help? Firstly, we need prayer because we believe this is a partnership between us in the church and town and with God. Secondly, please pass this information on to others – it’s so important that people hear and know what’s actually happening – or isn’t! Rumours are really unhelpful. Later on, we’ll be asking for help with specific jobs. And of course, we need donations, large and small so if you know any person or body who might be willing to contribute financially as we seek to secure St Marys’ for the next hundred years, please let us know:

Peter Hyson, Working Party Chair.

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