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Listen, Learn & Lunch Together Sunday 8th October St Marys’ Reshaping Project.

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Listen, Learn & Lunch Together Sunday 8th October St Marys’ Reshaping Project.

Join us for our worship on Sunday 8th October and stay on for a workshop with Sandra Millar and a bring-and-share lunch as we continue to share and talk about our Reshaping Project.

The vision of St Mary’s Tetbury is to be a place of vibrant Christian faith, connecting with our local community and supported by collaborative sustainable ways of working together. How do we best do that for the 21st century phase in a history of church reshaping?

Come and help us further think through and pray about the shape of our church for the future, both for worshippers and the community.Canon Sandra Millar, Diocesan Director of Mission & Ministry will return to continue our discussions from May as we come towards the end of the consultation period.

Let us know what you think.
Come for the service at 10am (and hear Sandra preach), or come from 11.15am. We will finish by 2.45 pm
Time is running out to make your contribution to our thinking. Please complete a survey form from the back of church and return by FRIDAY 13th OCTOBER, 2023.

Please pick up a survey form from church or you can download it by clicking here

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