Tetbury Advertiser – St Marys’ Church, October 2022
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
These opening words of Psalm 23 were much loved by our Late Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth II. After the sad announcement of Thursday 8th September, we sang them in services of commemoration, and they spoke into the experience of so many people.
These words describe how God is with us, as our comfort and our guide, even when we walk through times of deep sadness and loss. And, as our Good Shepherd, God will carry us when we feel we cannot go on.
I know – for many people – coming into St Marys’ Church is something they value, finding a place for quiet reflection and prayer in the midst of their daily lives. And this is especially true when we are at a “crossroad”, and face the challenge of life-changing events and loss. We might find it hard to name exactly who – or what – we believe God is. Yet we can sense that, in our confusion, we are held in his greater love and purpose.
This was true for so many people coming into the church to sign the Book of Condolence, to light a candle and to leave their own prayers and messages in the mourning period. And it led me to reflect on how community and connection are so vital at such times.
As many of you may know, I grew up in London and had always lived and worked there. However, when I was ordained priest, we began to think about moving out of London. I found the thought scary in some ways. But I will always remember the words of a very wise man, as he reassured me that everything would be ok. “Find a small market town,” he said. “And you will find ways of being community and building community that you will never find in a city.”
I followed his advice, and arrived in Tetbury nine years ago! And how right he was. As I look back over the past weeks, and look forward to everything that’s planned this month, I am so grateful to be “part of this”.
So – this October – please do join us as we welcome the Tetbury Music Festival, at the start of the month. Then be part of our fun family-friendly Celebrate HARVEST service at 10am on Sunday 9th October. Finally, we return to remembrance and thanksgiving as we hold our All Souls’ Service at 6pm on Sunday 30th October, inviting families to remember their loved ones and share this special time together and with God.
They say that community and connection are as vital to us as air, food and water. I think they might be right!
With love and prayers, Poppy
The Revd Canon Poppy Hughes
Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury
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