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We’ve been celebrating the Season of Creation.

For the first time this September, we have taken a whole month to think about the wonders of God’s good creation, and about our call to be good stewards of the earth.  We started on the first Sunday with a celebration of the beauty of this earth – and our Worship on Zoom included a reflection with pictures sent in of people’s special places.  They ranged from the back garden to tropical islands, and were all lovely.

Then, on the second Sunday, we focussed on the call to action and prayer to heal our planet, and end the injustices of the climate crisis.  Our guest preacher was The Revd Noel Sharp from Christ Church.  He spoke so powerfully of our responsibilities, drawing on his experience of working with Christian Aid.

Next, of course, came our Harvest Service.  And because we couldn’t have the “normal” service with gifts gathered at the altar, we asked people to leave donations for the Food Bank at the Tesco’s collection point – and we shared pictures of the lovely baskets people had donated.

Finally, we will take time to think about how God feeds and sustains us in our life together.  So it all feels very special.

It’s also great to be involved in St Mary’s Primary School now the new school year has begun.  For three years now, we have met the children at the school gate on the first day, with these pretty blessings cards to tie on their school bag.  They say:  “God bless you … with love and prayers from everyone at St Marys’ Church”.  Of course, we couldn’t stand at the gate this year, but school kindly arranged for the cards to be delivered to each class – and we hope it helps get them off to a good start.


I’ve also continued to record a weekly “Collective Worship” for the children to watch.  Our theme this term is all about being kind and caring – and I’m being helped out by a wolf puppet who has a lot to learn!  But that’s a story for another time …

All are welcome to our 5pm Saturday Service of Holy Communion, which is a quiet reflective service.  And also to our 10am Sunday Worship on Zoom – do contact our Parish Office for more details about how to join in:

With love and prayers.  God be with you – Poppy

The Revd Poppy Hughes
Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury
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