Tetbury Advertiser JUNE 2023 EDITION
A year has just flown by!! I arrived in Tetbury in June 22 in order to take up my new role as full time curate at St Marys church and the three village churches in the benefice, working alongside Poppy and Pauline. I was thrilled to be invited here, as I wanted to experience life in a market town environment, and I have not been disappointed. Thank you for making myself and my family so welcome.
People ask me, what a curate is? The easiest way to understand it is, that I’m like an apprentice, learning ultimately how to be a vicar, so that after my third year, I can move and be responsible for my own parish(es). Year 1 of my curacy is classed as my deacon year. This has meant that I have been asked by the Bishop and the church to get to know the community of the church and the community in which the church is situated. I have really tried to do that and have been busy visiting different groups within the area, to find out what is going on and encourage such wonderful work. I must admit, given my background in children’s and youth work, I have taken a particular interest in visiting the various different groups which cater for them but I would still be very happy to visit any other groups who would like me to visit, just get in touch.
As a deacon, I have only been able to undertake certain services and roles. However, I am very much looking forward to going back to Gloucester cathedral on Saturday June 24th at 3pm, to be Priested. This will be a very special service for the eight deacons, such as myself, in the Diocese of Gloucester, as we will make further promises before others and God in order to take up the role as priest. Practically this means that I will then be able to preside at communion services, undertake weddings and baptisms, and be involved in all aspect of priestly ministry. It has been a long journey to this next milestone, but I am whole heartedly ready to move into this next phase. As a result, of being priested on June 24th, my first time to preside at Communion will be on Sunday June 25th at St Marys at 10.30, please do come along, it will be a really special occasion for all.
As we look towards June, we have other special events happening, on Saturday 10th June, we have a focus on nature and a special guest talking about bees, followed by an outdoor service. On the 11th June, we have a family ISing Pop event at 4pm at St Marys school. Then after my Priesting on Saturday July 1st we have our summer fete.
I hope I may catch you at one of these activities, or out and about around Tetbury. See you soon, Rev Dr Steve Bullock