Tetbury Advertiser MAY 2023 EDITION
Sharing Coronation celebrations
This is at the heart of our plans for the special service at 10am on Sunday 7th May in St Marys’ Church. We hope everyone in Tetbury will take this chance to gather, raising the roof of our beautiful church with hymns and prayers of thanksgiving at this historic moment in the life of our nation.
Marking The Coronation of King Charles III, our theme focuses on faith, service and community; taking time to reflect on our history, celebrate who we are, and look to our future. As we give thanks for the life of service offered by our Monarch, we re-dedicate ourselves to the loving care of others, our community and our world.
One question, though, is which hymns to choose. There’s an official street-party soundtrack, published on Spotify, courtesy of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Great tracks, including The Beatles, David Bowie, Tom Jones and the Spice Girls. But perhaps not quite right for what we have in mind!
If you search online for clues, there’s a suggestion that a favourite hymn of our new King is “Be thou my vision”. And “Praise my soul, the King of Heaven” has long been a favourite of the Royal Family, while the Coronation service in 1953 included “All people that on earth do dwell”. Then there are lovely hymns about God’s creation and the environment. So, there are some ideas – but what do you think? If you send me a quick email on 1st May, we may be able to include your choices!
And the month of May holds many other delights. We look forward to being part of Tetbury’s Wacky Races on 1st May, including the honour of being invited to bless the course. We launch Christian Aid Week and CAFOD with a special service at 6pm on Sunday 14th May in St Marys’, shared by all the churches in Tetbury. Our next iSingPOP CELEBRATE is in St Mary’s School Hall on Sunday 21st May at 4pm, with a warm invitation for families to come and join in the crafts, Bible story and songs on the theme of finding Jesus as the way we follow in our lives.
And the month ends with the great celebration of Pentecost, when we mark the birthday of the church. Come and find out more at our family-friendly service at 10am on Sunday 28th May at St Marys’ Church, with birthday cake afterwards!
I look forward to sharing all this with you.
With love and prayers, Poppy
The Revd Canon Poppy Hughes
Parish Priest, St Mary the Virgin & St Mary Magdalen Church, Tetbury
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