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News from St Marys’ – Tetbury Advertiser November 2023

Tetbury Advertiser November 2023

St Mary’s Church Tetbury
By the time you read this, we will be getting used to the clocks changing and perhaps thinking that time passes by so quickly. Summer has been and gone and Autumn has reemphasised to us, with the falling of the leaves, that change happens as a natural rythmn of life. For some, change is embraced and welcomed as new opportunities appear to open up but for others change can be more challenging. The clocks changing, bringing in increased darkness, perhaps for some may mean moods can dip, especially as we approach the times in our yearly calendar when we consider those who have gone before us. At St Marys, we do this through Our All Souls Service (5th November at 6pm) which is an opportunity to mark the passing of those who we love. As well as through our Remembrance Services (12th November) which help us to honour those who fought and died for our freedom (All are welcome).

However, no matter how our thoughts may become more reflective and sombre, I believe that we can take heart, as the Christian faith gives hope in the apparent dark seasons of our lives, as we have key promises that our resurrected Christ is one who accompanies us in each season, giving us what we need to face all that confronts us and gives hope for the future.
We are also encouraged to share such a hope through our actions with others. As such, I am continually thankful of those within the church and wider community, who I continually come across, who make it their business to care and love others, so that there is real practical support available for those who need it, for all ages. Such small and large acts of kindness, bring light to those dark places and make our community a great place to be. Let’s keep shining!!

In terms of future dates, apart from the services mentioned above in November, please note that we have our Christmas Fayre at the Market Hall on Saturday 2nd December starting at 10am. We would love to see you there and later at 5.30pm on the same day at St Saviours for the annual Christmas tree service.

All the best
Rev Dr Steve Bullock

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