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Opening of St Marys’ Church for Private Prayer

028_sideview of St Marys' from south

Opening of St Marys’ Church for Private Prayer


Since June 15th 2020 we have managed to keep the front area of the church open daily for private prayer and for the many visitors that have visited Tetbury over the summer.

This has been possible with thanks to a small dedicated team who have cleaned daily, unlocked and locked the church.

As we approach Autumn, however, having the northeast doors of the church wide open all day to the elements will not do the fabric of the building any good along with any lighting and heating that would be required.

After careful thought, from 1st October 2020 the church opening times will be as follows:

Wednesday mornings 9am -1pm

Saturday 1pm – 4pm

Saturday 5pm Benefice Service of Holy Communion

Sundays noon – 4pm

On the 1st Wednesday of the month from 7th October at 9.30am we will be offering a quiet, reflective Service of Holy Communion with access from the northeast entrance.

Please note that to allow the church to be open on a Sunday it will be cleaned before opening & cleaned after closing and the 72 hour rule will apply for Wednesday to Saturday.

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