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Prayer focus for the week beginning 23rd July


Prayer focus for the week beginning 23rd July 2023:

• Tetbury Praying the Town: Conygar Road
• The Parish of Long Newnton
• The collection counters and bankers, and those organising Tetbury second Sunday charity collections
• The Departed and those who mourn their loss especially David Lowsley Williams (Memorial service in Tetbury on Thursday 27th July at 2pm). We give thanks for their lives and pray for God’s comfort for their family and friends.
• Praying for St Mary’s School: Year 6 children as they leave St Mary’s Primary School and go on to secondary schools in September.
• Local issues: for the ‘Hymns and Pimms’ event at 5.00pm in St Marys church: give thanks for the significance of favourite hymns in expressing our deep emotions and for encouraging and challenging us in our Christian life. Also, please pray for local holiday events being run for children and young people, especially that plans to run cookery courses for a group of young people from SWR, teaching them how to prepare basic healthy meals, may go ahead.
• National issues: as schools close for the summer, may vulnerable children be protected and provided for, and may families enjoy quality time together
• World issues: With world temperatures rising, pray for the protection of forests and peat bogs from wildfires, and for the safety of all fire-fighters

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. Ps.147:5

Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer? You are welcome to hang your prayer request on the prayer tree in the prayer corner at the front of St Marys’ church

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