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Prayer focus for the week beginning 2nd October


Our prayer focus for the week beginning 2nd October 2022:

    • Tetbury Praying the Town: Long Street and the Ferns
    • The Parish of St Marys; especially giving thanks for the gift and joy of music in the Benefice Music Festival service in St Marys at 10.30am, and for the St Cecilia Singers concert on 8th October
    • ISingPop Celebrate in St Mary’s school hall, Tetbury, at 4.00pm on 2nd October: that many families will attend and be blessed
    • The food bank, to be reopened in Tetbury on Tuesday 4th October
    • For the Full Peal attempt on 8th October; we give thanks for all those who so faithfully give their time and talents to ringing, to the glory of God
    • The Departed and those who mourn their loss, remembering especially Simon Preston, Zoraide “Zed” Tatchell, Robert Snuggs and Alan Wheeler. We give thanks for their lives, and pray for God’s comfort for their family and friends.
    • Year’s Mind: Verity Lloyd (04/10). (“Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death –often a difficult time for family and friends).
    • Praying for Christopher Blake and Stephanie Rigby getting married in St John the Baptist, Shipton Moyne on Saturday 1st October.
    • Praying for Molly Nicholson-Wigg who is being baptised in in St John the Baptist, Shipton Moyne on Saturday 1st October and her parents and Godparents.
    • Praying for St Mary’s School: Year 2 Holly Class with Mrs Miller/Mrs Pockett – Mrs Walton
    • Give thanks for the changing seasons: for the vibrant colours of autumn, with its ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.’
    • National issues: that in the current financial uncertainties, God will give wisdom to those responsible for financial decision-making in our country, showing awareness especially of the many families already struggling
    • World issues: for the Russian people – may attitudes be changed because they learn the truth about the ongoing situation in Ukraine, especially as more Russians are conscripted to fight.

    O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer;
    give ear, O God of Jacob! Ps.84 V8

    Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer? You are welcome to hang your prayer request on the prayer tree in the prayer corner at the front of St Marys church

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