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Prayer focus for the week beginning 31st March 2024


Prayer focus for the week beginning 24th March 2024:

Before you pray, give thanks that ‘You, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer. (Ps.86 V.5)

• Tetbury Praying the Town: Springfields
• The Parish of Beverston
• Please pray for our clergy, especially at this busy time in the church calendar: Rev. Canon Poppy Hughes (Rector), The Revd. Steve Bullock (Curate), and The Rev. Pauline Setterfield (Associate Priest)
• The Departed and those who mourn their loss remembering especially Susan Davis, Charlotte Cooper (Funeral Monday 8th April at 2pm at St Marys’ Tetbury), Phyllis Hennessey (Funeral Tuesday 9th April at 11am at St Marys’ Tetbury), Barbara Ball (Funeral Tuesday 16th April at 2pm at St Marys’ Tetbury), and Brian Kimber (Funeral Wednesday 17th April at 2pm at St Marys’ Tetbury). We give thanks for their lives and pray for God’s comfort for their family and friends.
• Year’s Mind Edward “John” Baldwin (06/04). (“Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death –often a difficult time for family and friends.
• Local issues: on this Easter Sunday, may the townsfolk be aware of the significance of this day, and be aware of the presence of the risen Jesus walking alongside them, as He did on the road to Emmaus.
• National issues: for the many people currently not in employment because of sickness, especially mental health issues, that they will receive the support they need and be guided into appropriate employment.
• World issues: for all those affected by the Baltimore bridge collapse, that they will receive support and comfort.

.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Matt.6:10

Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer? You are welcome to hang your prayer request on the prayer tree in the prayer corner at the front of St Marys’ church

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