Prayer focus for the week beginning 5th December 2021:
• Tetbury Praying the Town: Quail Meadows
• Give thanks that Little Fishes is starting again during the 10.00am Sunday services. May the children grow in their understanding of God’s love for them, shown in Jesus, and be eager to attend. We give thanks for the adults who lead Little Fishes. And for the Celebrate Christingle gathering on Sunday 5th December.
• The Parish of Beverston
• Prayers please that we will find a suitable home to rent or buy for Steve Bullock and his family, ready for him to join us as Curate in June 2022.
• The Departed and those who mourn their loss especially Michael Seal and Lydia “Grace” Johnstone. We give thanks for their lives, and pray for God’s comfort for their family and friends.
• Year’s Mind: Charles Nicholls (8/12). (“Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death –often a difficult time for family and friends).
• Praying for Bill and Karen who are getting married in St Marys’ Tetbury next Saturday
• Praying for St Mary’s School: Year 5 Ash Class with Ms Withers/Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Sujeewon
•• For Andrea having a serious neurological operation on Wednesday
• The Advent home groups: may all attending grow in faith and joy as they reflect on how we find God in our daily lives.
• National issues: that scientists may be able to adjust existing vaccines if necessary to protect against the new Omicron variant of Covid-19
Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my supplications! In thy faithfulness answer me, in thy righteousness! Psalm 143 V.1
Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer? Do write a prayer and hang it on the prayer tree in St Marys’ Tetbury.