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Season of Creation

Season of creation


For the first time this year, we will join the Christian family across the world in a month of celebrating the good gift of creation, and committing to prayer and action to protect our common home.  Known as the Season of Creation, this is an opportunity, as the followers of Christ, to focus on our role as caretakers of God’s creation.

So, we mark Creation Season over four Sundays:
Sunday 6th September – celebrating God’s wonderful creation. 

We focus on God as creator, understanding that as the world belongs to God so we are called to be good stewards of his creation.  Where is the most beautiful place on earth?

Sunday 13th September – sharing our Common Home. 

With guest preacher the Revd. Noel Sharp from Christ Church, we acknowledge the urgent need for change in our lives as consumers and as societies, to heal our planet, and end the climatic injustice which threatens the lives of the most vulnerable people on our plant, and puts the lives of future generations in jeopardy.

Sunday 20th September – Harvest Festival, celebrated with The Revd. Pauline Setterfield. 

As we are unable to bring our harvest gifts to church, everyone is invited to make up a basket of goods they are donating to Cirencester Food Bank, and send in a picture to be included in our reflection.  Urgently needed items are: long-life sponge pudding, instant mash/tinned potatoes, rice pudding, long-life juice, sanitary towels, jars of instant coffee; teabags (40s/80s), chocolate treats for children and toiletries.

Sunday 27th September – Jesus, the Bread of Life. 

As Jesus shared in fellowship at the table, so we gather, bringing something to eat and drink as the sacrament of our life together:  God’s people, fed and sustained by Jesus as the Body of Christ.



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