And the Churchwardens and I are very aware that the church is very cold. We are doing our best, but also of course facing very significant increases in energy costs*. So – because we need to be economical – the church building is colder than usual overall, and more difficult to heat for Sunday morning.
In addition to the heating, we are also now taking other steps:
When it is bitterly cold, to make the services shorter,
we will adopt a combination of the following:
– No Gradual Hymn, and few verses
– No Gloria
– Succinct sermons and intercessions
– Two “stations” for the administration of communion
There are also some blankets available if you ask the Welcomers –
and please do stay seated throughout the service,
if that makes it easier to keep warm (whether you have a blanket or not!)
* ELECTRICITY CHARGES: From our Treasurer, Mike Hardwick: Based on the actual usage over the last year, the electricity charges will increase from £7,015 to £16,843 (although it is not yet clear whether Government relief will reduce this charge).
On a separate matter … we have kept under regular review the practice of wearing a face mask for the distribution of Holy Communion. After discussion with both the Parochial Church Council and the Reader & Clergy team, we will now end this practice (of course continuing to keep this under review). This is in the light of the general relaxation in wearing face coverings. However we will continue to sanitise our hands before administration and also intinct the bread
(rather than using the common cup).
With thanks, Poppy