In these final weeks of the Church year, we mark “Kingdom Season”.
We reflect on what means to believe in the coming of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
This is what we pray and work, for here and now – bringing in God’s reign of love, justice and peace for all people and nations. And we look forward to the fulfilment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ, when suffering is ended, and
all creation is gathered in God’s loving arms.
Join our worship on Sunday 14th November 2021 for a Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday
10.00am in the Parish Church of St Marys’ Tetbury
All are welcome and there is no need to book
We will also live stream this service from church and the recording will be shared on You Tube.
Please click on the link to join the service or watch the recording later
Please click here to download the order of service
Please click here to download the readings and hymns
Continuing our practice of sharing prayers, you are invited to bring a brief note of prayer(s) you would like to share, and to put them in a a basket as you arrive. The prayers are taken to the altar during the service, and prayed on behalf of the congregation by the person leading the intercessions. Please make your prayers short and legible
(imagine they are “chat prayers”)!