Sunday 29th January 2023
Share in our new pattern of Benefice Worship for 5th Sundays
8.30am Benefice BCP Holy Communion at St Marys’ Tetbury
followed by 10am Benefice Worship on Zoom
We celebrate Candlemas together!
Through Epiphanytide, we have heard of Jesus revealed as Emmanuel to the Magi and the first disciples. We end the season this Sunday, as the new-born Christ is presented in the Temple, and the encounter with Simeon and Anna. These faithful, trusting, hopeful people, recognising the Christ child, come as the light of the world
Please click on the link to join the service
Dial in on a landline (local-rate call): 0208 080 6592
One tap mobile: +443300885830,,84896320510#,,,,*743609#
Please click here to email Diana in the Parish Office for the password and meeting id
Please click here for the readings and hymns for Sunday 29th January
5.00pm St Marys’ Tetbury Songs of Praise