SUNDAY 5th MAY 2024 – EASTER 6
St Marys’ Tetbury 8.30am: BCP Holy Communion
St Marys’ Tetbury 10.00am:Family Communion with Baptism of Bella and Arlo Rugman-George, and Little Fishes
Led by Revd Pauline Setterfield
Please click here to join the 10am service or watch the recording later
You do not need to have a facebook account to watch the service
Please click here for the order of service for the 10am service
Please click here for the readings and collect for Easter 6
St Marys’ Tetbury 2.00pm: Baptism of Summer and Annabelle Copeland-Eccles
St Marys’ Tetbury: 6.00pm Heart and Soul (with coffee and cake from 5.15pm)