It has been a joy and a privilege to serve as your Assistant Curate for these last three years. I will forever be grateful for the experiences I have had here, and for all you have done to support and nurture me as a new deacon and priest.
I never imagined that I would finish my time with you in these circumstances, but I feel so blessed and thankful for all you have done to say goodbye to Frankie, Clarissa and I. We were so touched by how many people joined us on Zoom on Friday evening, and my final service with you this morning was so special.
I leave you with my prayers and my heartfelt thanks. Until we meet again, I’ll leave you with some words of St David: “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things”.
The recording of our Trinity Sunday service is now available on Youtube:
If you were unable to join my leaving party on Friday night, then pour yourself a drink and watch it here!