The Gloucester Churches Environmental Justice Network (GCEJN) invite you to take part in their June session. It is an in-person visit to Tetbury on the afternoon of Wednesday 22 June, exploring Greening Tetbury. There was a lot of church leadership in the community to set this up so we will be exploring what is possible when churches work to catalyse things in their wider communities.
The timings for the day are as follows:
- 12noon – Gather at Christ Church Methodist/URC with a picnic lunch (begin session at 12.30pm)
- 12.35 – Telling the story of Greening Tetbury (Anglican, Methodist and RC joint presentation)
- 1.20pm – Time for discussion including thinking about what we might be inspired to try in our home communities
- 2pm – Gentle flat walk to St Mary’s Church
- 3pm – Connecting this wider community work with EcoChurch
- 3.30pm – Finish
Although this is a free event we need to monitor numbers so please sign up here.