Week One: Trees
If you have a tree outside your window where you can see it,
stand or sit and simply look. If there is not one where you can
see it, feel free to use the picture at the top of this sheet – it is
a beautiful sycamore tree at Montacute House – or find a
picture of a tree that you like in a book or on the internet, or
close your eyes and imagine a tree that you know.
Trees are amazing things. Their roots go down into the ground
holding them upright and stable and taking precious nutrients
from the soil to feed their growth. Moving up the tree the
trunk and the branches become thinner and more delicate
making patterns against the sky that are often very distinctive.
And they support life. Whether there are leaves on your tree or
not, there will be creatures living on or under the bark; perhaps
birds nesting in the branches; even squirrels or owls hiding
Something to think about
Where are you rooted?
What do you need to feed your growth?
What gives you life?