Although our church building is closed, many of the costs continue.
Thank you to everyone who continues to give via the Parish Giving Scheme or other regular standing orders. All our four churches are so grateful for this ongoing support. Of course, we also pass around the collection plate in church on Sundays. As we are not able to do that right now, Tetbury Church Council (PCC) have set up a JustGiving page (click here: https://www.justgiving.com/tetburypcc).
Very sadly, St Marys’ Church is facing considerable financial difficulties. We have our ongoing commitment to pay our Parish Share. This is our contribution to the cost of ministry in the Diocese, which of course includes our Parish Priest, Poppy. You’ll find helpful information about the Parish Share on the Gloucester Diocese website, including a short video and a leaflet about how the Parish Share is calculated in our Diocese: https://www.gloucester.anglican.org/parish-resources/parish-finance-gift-aid-legal-advice/parish-share/