WaterAid, Jars of Change, Lent Appeal 2024.
This Lent you can help bring clean water – and with it, the gift of good health – to more homes, hospitals and communities around the world.
During Lent you will find a large jar at the back of Tetbury Church at the Sunday Services for donations which WaterAid will use to fund New Water Facilities. Try making a penny donation to your jar each time you use your toilet, have a bath or make a cup of tea. For more information please look at the notice board at the back of St Marys’ Church.
Clean water is our first line of defence against illness and disease. But millions of people are still living without this essential resource – and a staggering one in three healthcare facilities around the world has nowhere for staff to wash their hands and equipment. Without running water, it’s a challenge to keep wards clean. Medical instruments can’t be sterilised properly. And patients struggle to stay healthy, bathe or take the medicines they need.