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Prayer focus for the week beginning 12th January 2025


Before you pray, give thanks that ‘You, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer. (Ps.86 V.5)

• Tetbury Praying the Town: New Church Street
• The Parish of Long Newnton
• Please remember in prayer our vergers, as they support families coming for baptisms, weddings and funerals. May they have wisdom to know what to say in this valuable form of community contact.
• The Departed and those who mourn their loss including Shirley Hawkins. We give thanks for their lives and pray for God’s comfort for their family and friends.
• Year’s Mind – Emily Bishop – “Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death –often a difficult time for family and friends
• Local issues: Pray for the PCC meeting in January, for wisdom and discernment in the decisions made. May there be a spirit of unity as members serve the church community in this way.
• Praying for St Mary’s School: Year 4/5 Elm Class with Miss Browning /Mrs MacIndoe and Mrs Lee
• National issues: Pray for those children who may be required to change schools because of VAT being placed on private education. May they settle in quickly without their education being adversely affected.
• World issues: Pray about the increasing role of AI, that it may be used for good and not for harm.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6.2

Are you, or someone you know, in need of prayer? You are welcome to hang your prayer request on the prayer tree in the prayer corner at the front of St Marys’ church

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