At the moment, because of growing awareness of the climate crisis and
biodiversity loss society is becoming much more aware of and focused on
the natural world. For many people this has included getting outside
more, and this is a good thing, but not everyone is able to get outside
easily or even at all.
“Through the Window” is a series of ideas for connecting with creation
for people who are unable to get outside easily. There is one idea for each
week and although they don’t actively mention Lent, they are springtime
orientated, gently Christian and so hopefully could be used through Lent
with people who have no specific connection with the church as well as
those who do.
These can be used by people who can get outside, by those who cannot
but have a window to look out of, by those who have internet access, and
by those who have nothing but the sheet on which these pictures and
words are printed.